Grief Counselling

Grief can include but is not limited to:

·        Loss of a loved one

·        Loss of employment

·        Divorce/relationship breakup

·        Change in financial circumstances

·        Loss of wellbeing or change in health


Grief is deeply personal and individual, like a fingerprint, and so is the healing process. It takes time to grieve and heal from loss, and sometimes it is hard to understand how to heal or move forward. There can be guilt and a reluctance in healing, which may feel like you are forgetting or moving on. There can be comfort in the pain that keeps you stuck.

The grieving process is not linear, and there is no right way or timeline to grief. Loss can mean the loss of normality and routine, the loss of the life you thought you would have. Counselling can help you through the process and aid your healing process.

Grief does not obey your plans, or your wishes. Grief will do whatever it wants to you, whenever it wants to. In that regard, grief has a lot in common with Love.

Elizabeth Gilbert

Longing                                            Anger

Yearning                                           Denial

Sadness                                            Trouble taking care of self/others

Anxiety                                             Sleep Problems

Bitterness                                         Isolation

Irritable Mood                                 Fatigue

Remorse                                           Low Motivation

Guilt                                                Shame

….. are all normal feelings and ways of being when you experience loss.


What everyone has in common is that no matter how they grieve, they share the need for their grief to be witnessed. That doesn’t mean needing someone to try to lessen it or reframe it for them. The need is for someone to be fully present to the magnitude of their loss without trying to point out the silver lining.

David Kessler


The process of healing with grief can be a pressing need to tell your story to someone who is willing to hear what others are not and help make sense of the loss without awkward silences or offering trite or unthoughtful advice. Without this the more potential there is for you to feel disconnected and alone with our grief.


I can support you to find meaning around your loss and a place for grief in your life without feeling sad or frozen indefinitely. I have experienced grief in many forms in my life – divorce, moving countries, loosing loved ones and employment therefore I understand how debilitating it can be and am here to offer you empathy, compassion and connection while you find your way to process your grief.